How Long Before a Trip Should You Start Packing?

Packing a suitcase
Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

There’s nothing quite like preparing to go on a long trip. The whole thing is exciting, but there’s something about the process that isn’t always so fun—the packing process. Of course, there are those rare individuals that actually enjoy packing—but for the rest of us, it can be pretty easy to procrastinate the inevitable packing we must do. But how long can you actually push it off, and when do you absolutely need to start packing?

Depends On The Trip

The first thing to note is that it really does depend on the trip. If you’re merely going on a business trip that’s both domestic and for only a few days, how much do you really need to pack? All you’ll really need is a few changes of clothes, and thus you can probably get away with packing the night before, no questions asked. But if this trip is a long one, and if you’re bringing kids with you, you should probably start a few days in advance.

Knowing Yourself

However, there’s another important aspect to consider. You need to know yourself well to know when you should start packing. Some people can’t bear the thought of leaving packing to the last minute, while others thrive under that last minute packing pressure. Ultimately there are objective recommendations of when to start, such as the ones mentioned above—but if you can trust yourself and follow through, that’s fine as well!