How to Avoid Pickpockets While Traveling

Getting pickpocketed is an incredibly aggravating way to ruin a vacation. Here are a few useful tips to keep in mind while traveling to avoid theft.

Leave Valuables at the Hotel

They can’t steal it if you don’t have it! Keep expensive items like a laptop in the safe at your hotel room.

Wear a Money Belt

Before traveling to a city that may be known for its pickpockets, you may consider investing a few bucks in a money belt. They’re basically wallets that you wear around your waist, and can even be hidden under pants or a skirt.

No Phones on the Table

Smartphones are a major target for pickpockets. Avoid leaving your phone on the table while sitting at a restaurant, as a pickpocket can easily snatch it while you are eating.

Zippered Purse

Even if you’re favorite purse is zipper-free, traveling with an open purse or bag is like asking for a pickpocket to steal from you. Keep your valuables tucked away in a securely zippered purse.

Stay Alert

This may seem like an obvious one, but it really is the most important thing. If you seem unfocused and careless, pickpockets will quickly take advantage of the opportunity. Always be aware of your surroundings for optimal safety.