How to Dress When Visiting Rome’s Holy Sites

Pantheon, Rome
Pantheon, Rome. Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

From the Pantheon to Vatican City, Rome is chock-full of important historical religious sites for Christians. Whether you’re in Rome to see history, pray, view art, or even take photos for your Instagram, you’ll probably want to visit these sites during your stay. But what you may not have prepared for is dress requirements in these places. Here are some important tips.


Because these are religious sites, they have a certain dress code. It’s not common knowledge, but you are required to cover your shoulders and in some cases your knees to enter the churches. For the Pantheon, you must cover your whole torso and shoulders, and it’s best not to wear shorts that are too short. For the Vatican, you won’t be allowed inside unless your shoulders and knees are covered. If you aren’t properly dressed, you’ll be sent just outside security where you can buy a scarf to wrap around your legs or top. The scarves cost around five Euros.

Walking Shoes

You’ll be on your feet for a long time when at these sites, especially during tourist season. You may be waiting in line for a long time because so many people want to go inside the most important historical spots. In addition, you’ll have to walk about half a kilometer between St. Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. Thanks to some new infrastructure, you must walk through the entire Vatican Museum to get to the Sistine Chapel, which itself is quite a trek. So, be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes wherever you go.

Weather-Appropriate Clothing

Similarly, you’ll be waiting on lines and walking around outside a lot when walking around Rome. Some of the most beautiful places to visit are “piazzas,” big open squares often in front of churches with no shelter or shade to speak of. They are absolutely worth seeing, but be prepared to be completely exposed to the elements.