How To Enjoy Solo Travel as an Introvert

Woman sitting on blanket at a viewpoint
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash

Solo travel is often described as this epic, empowering experience, but you may not feel tempted to try it if you’re an introvert. Being a little bit shy and closed-off doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t enjoy traveling on your own, and these three tips will help you make the best of it.

Be Open, But Don’t Force It

Being introverted doesn’t mean that you don’t want to be around other people, just that you sometimes struggle to make the first step. Luckily, you’ll encounter many nice people who are more outgoing than you, so be open to getting to know them once they try to start a conversation.

No Conflicts

As long as you’re not forcing yourself to mingle with other travelers, solo travel may be even more appealing than doing it with others. No conflicts will emerge during your trip and you’ll never have to compromise because you can organize your trip to your own liking and only see and do things that you want to.

Lonely Time

To stop loneliness from seeping in, make sure to fill your days with amazing activities, and find something fun to do once you’re in. From journaling and reading to catching up with your friends and going out for dinner, there are many things you can do even when you’re not exploring the city. Spending time getting to know yourself is an opportunity solo travel can bring in bunches.