How to Travel With Only a Personal Item

Travel bag
Photo by Oliur on Unsplash

From long lines to hidden fees, flying is a notoriously stressful way to travel. While there will always be some factors that are out of our control, we find one of the best ways to make things easier is by leaving our bulky suitcases at home.

By sticking with just a personal item, we’re able to avoid checked bag fees and skip the baggage claim line so we can spend less time waiting and more time enjoying our destination. If you’d like to travel lighter but aren’t sure how, read on for some of our best tips.

Choose the Right Bag

Look for a backpack or tote that meets the size restrictions of your airline. Make sure it’s durable and that you’ll be comfortable carrying it for extended periods. We also recommend choosing a bag with several pockets to help you stay organized throughout your journey.

Pack Carefully

Stick to the essentials and leave anything you don’t really need behind. Prioritize versatile clothing that can be mixed, matched, and layered for varying weather conditions. You may also want to try packing cubes or compression bags to maximize your space.

Plan Your Outfit

Wear your bulkiest items to the airport. If you’re traveling with a coat, jacket, or bulky shoes, wear them on the plane to save space in your bag. You can always take them off once you’re settled in your seat.