Is It Rude To Recline Your Seat On a Plane?

Plane seats
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Among the myriad of topics when it comes to travel, one of the most contentious has to do with plane seats. More specifically, whether or not it’s rude to recline your seat. At first glance, it would seem that it’s not rude at all. After all, they have the capability to recline for a reason, right? This is the logic of most people, and we’re not here to say that they’re wrong. However, we are here to raise awareness of the controversy itself, and to ask whether or not people have a moral obligation to heed their plane neighbors as they decide whether or not they should recline their seat back.

It’s Uncomfortable

The first important thing everyone needs to acknowledge is that whether or not it’s “wrong” to recline your seat, it’s almost always uncomfortable for the person behind you. So while you may be within your right to do it, it’s still good to be aware that you’re affecting them.

The Domino Effect

Another thing to consider is the Domino Effect. This idea is that there are some people who only lean back because the person in front of them did. They were totally comfortable until the person in front of them did it, but now they must do it too—creating a domino effect where now most passengers must follow suit.


Ultimately, the question is not whether or not leaning your chair back is rude. It’s whether or not you’re willing to acknowledge your fellow passengers. Are you leaning back during lunch? Because that can be a bit inconsiderate? Are you judging the person in front of you? Because it’s possible they didn’t even have a choice. Just love thy neighbor, and try to be respectful and enjoy the ride!