Orkney is a low-lying archipelago off the northern tip of Scotland. This group of islands is home to some of the oldest and best-preserved Neolithic archaeological sites in all of Europe. In fact, Neolithic Orkney is a UNESCO World Heritage site. If you’re an archaeology buff, Orkney is a dream destination!
Skara Brae Prehistoric Village
The best-preserved site of its kind in Western Europe, Skara Brae is an awe-inspiring Neolithic settlement, complete with nine dwellings and in-tact stone furniture. Visiting this incredible site will transport you back 5000 years, giving you a glimpse into the lives of our ancestors.
The Ring of Brodgar
Mysterious and spiritual, the Ring of Brodgar is a ceremonial monument dating back to the Third Millennium BC. This massive stone circle and collection of prehistoric burial mounds will send thrills down your spine as you contemplate its ancient origins.
Maeshowe is a chambered tomb, and is considered a masterpiece of Neolithic craftsmanship. Look out for the Norse runes and doodles left by Vikings who entered the tomb, some 3000 years after its construction.