Get Epic Photos with Tall Buildings in Three Short Steps

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Getting great travel photos can be tough—especially if you’re standing in front of an imposing building you can barely get in the frame. This is a common problem that many travelers struggle with, but you can overcome it in three short steps.

Do Your Research

If you really want to have a photo with a certain building, make sure to do your research before reaching the destination. Search through geotags on Instagram and Pinterest to get some ideas for your perfect shot.

Don’t Get Near

Most travelers want to get as close as possible to the world’s most famous buildings, but that’s usually not the best spot to take good pictures. Search for good viewpoints instead, so the entire building could nicely fit in the frame.

Portrait Mode

If the building in question is recognizable enough, you won’t even have to get all of it in the frame. You can showcase some of the details that make it beautiful or put a focus on yourself by using the portrait mode.