Prevent Your Necklaces from Getting Tangled with This Hack

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

If you love to travel, but you love to accessorize, you might know how these two things don’t always go hand-in-hand. Trying to organize your jewelry in a way that prevents knots and tangles during the journey sometimes feels like an impossible task. Luckily, there’s a hack that will have you traveling with no fear of your necklaces tangling ever again! 

The trick is packing your necklaces with plastic straws. Yes, it really is that simple. All you have to do is loop one necklace through each straw and then clasp the necklace closed. Make sure the straw is the length of almost half the necklace, as the less loose chain you have, the better. If you have shorter necklaces, you can also cut the straws down to the correct size.

Once you have each of your necklaces looped around their own straws, you can pack them in a case and forget your worries! We promise that when you go to accessorize your outfits when you get to your destination, none of your necklaces will be tangled! You can even save the straws in your carry-on bag and reuse them for your next trip, so that you aren’t creating excess waste.