Prompts to Guide You Through Your Travel Journal

Travel Journaling
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

One of the greatest ways to remember your travels is by keeping a travel journal. Travel journals allow you to not only document what you did during your adventure, but also how you felt, what you learned, and so much more. It gives you time to reflect on everything that is happening and really get the most out of your experience (and take the lessons learned with you into the future).

It can be a bit intimidating to start a journal, and sometimes it’s difficult to come up with what to write, so it’s a good idea to have some prompts to guide your writing when you feel stuck. We’ve compiled a list of a few journal prompts to get you started.

What is one thing that surprised you about today?

We all come on trips with assumptions and expectations. How were your assumptions challenged today? 

What have you learned about yourself on this trip?

Traveling is a great way to learn more about yourself. You find your strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes. What is something new that you’ve learned through this trip?

What is the best thing that happened today?

Going on an adventure is super exciting because you do so much, but sometimes everything blurs together. Take this moment to write details about the best part of the day so you can remember it always.

What is one lesson you want to bring with you from this trip?

You learn so much from every place you visit. Whether you learn about yourself, the world, the specific culture you’re in–there are so many lessons to learn. What is something that you don’t want to forget?