Remember This When Traveling in a Country Where You Don’t Speak the Language

Photo by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash

Traveling to a foreign country can be incredibly exciting, but it can also be downright terrifying if you don’t speak the language. Translation apps have come a long way to assist, but they’re still not perfect, and it can be difficult to have a conversation or get directions when you’re relying on AI. 

If you are venturing to a land where the common tongue is not your own, here are a few tips to help you get by. 

The 4 Most Important Words

It may sound trivial, but there are four words that will help you out more than you realize: hello, please, and thank you. Locals will be able to detect that you are not a native from your accent, but they will appreciate you making an effort to speak their language.

The One Phrase to Avoid

When interacting with a local, the most natural thing to ask may be, “Do you speak English?” But avoid this phrase, if you can. As the most widely spoken language in the world, the chances are that yes, the person you’re talking to can speak English, so the question may come off offensively. Rather say “I don’t speak [whatever the language is of the country]. English?” in the local tongue. Doing so is a more polite way of acknowledging that you are in their country and don’t speak the language, but asking if they possibly speak yours.