The World’s Strangest Drinks

Photo bytotallyabhaylicious on Instagram

Many of us spend our lives drinking coffee and soda, but you might be surprised at what some of the world’s people drink. Read on for some of the world’s weirdest drinks…

Snake wine

A delicacy in China, snake wine is exactly that: rice wine that contains a dead snake in the bottle. Initially thought to have medicinal properties because of the snake venom, snake wine can still be found in Taiwan.

Gau Jal

This is a soda made from cow urine. Popular with members of a particular Hindu paramilitary group, not many other Indian citizens have taken to this particular ‘health’ drink.

Sourtoe cocktail

The Sourtoe Cocktail Club in Dawson, Yukon, has been serving the Sourtoe Cocktail since the early ‘70s. It’s not really a cocktail, though. Merely a genuine preserved human toe that can be added to any drink.

Placenta 1000

This Japanese invention is actually a drink made from pig placenta. It allegedly tastes better than it sounds and is supposed to have regenerative properties. There is no evidence for this claim.

Seagull wine

This is made by Inuit people by leaving a dead seagull to ferment in water in the sun.