These are the Best Ways to Save Money at Disney Theme Parks

Woman wearing Mickey Mouse ears in Disney
Photo by Joel Sutherland on Unsplash

A visit to a Disney theme park is always a great experience. However, it can also be a pretty expensive one, especially after recent price hikes. Luckily, there are quite a few ways you can save money while visiting Disney and still have an amazing time. Here is how.

Buy Multi-Day Tickets

One day is not enough to explore everything Disney theme, so you probably want to make it a multi-day adventure. If that’s the case, then buy a multi-day ticket right away. They will come with a discount, and you’ll avoid last-minute price changes.

Eat at the Quick-Service Food Establishments

Disney restaurants might seem inviting, but these sit-down options can make a big dent in your budget. Instead, opt for quick-service food establishments that offer a variety of filling but affordable meals.

Don’t Stay at Disney Hotels

Staying in hotels within the Disney parks is fantastic but also much more expensive than any other accommodation. It is better to stay in rented accommodation nearby and then visit every day.

Visit Off-Season

Visiting off-season is one of the best decisions you can make while visiting Disney. Not only you’ll find cheaper tickets and more affordable prices inside the park, but you will also deal with fewer crowds and shorter lines for the rides.

Skip Disney Merch and Souvenirs 

You might like the idea of buying Disney merchandise and souvenirs from the “source,” but these items are hardly any different than Disney things you can buy everywhere else. The only distinction is that they are more expensive.