These are Three of the Oldest Restaurants in the World

We love learning about all the amazing new restaurants that are opening around the world, but sometimes the old ones are equally, if not more impressive. When you know that 80% of new restaurants close within the first five years (according to this study), it makes you appreciate the old establishments even more. Here are three of the oldest restaurants in the world.

Sobrino de Botin in Madrid, Spain

This is the restaurant that holds the official Guinness World Record as the oldest restaurant in the world. It was founded in 1725 and still serves guests on a daily basis. The restaurant is still located in the original building with the original interior that dates back to the 18th century.

Zur Letzten Instanz in Berlin, Germany

Located near the historic Berlin Wall, Zur Letzten Instanz is the oldest tavern in the city. The building it’s in is one of the oldest in Berlin, but it has been reconstructed after World War II. The restaurant is famous for serving famous guests over the years, including Napoleon Bonaparte and Ludwig Von Beethoven.

Honke Owariya in Kyoto, Japan

Can you believe that this restaurant started as a confectionery stop in the 15th century? It’s the oldest and one of the most popular soba shops in Kyoto. The restaurant claims that the secret behind their delicious food is the pure water they’re using.