These Colorful Suitcases Will Make Your Baggage Claim Experience a Whole Lot Easier

As much as we love the look of a classic black suitcase, we have to admit that they don’t do us any favors when it comes time to navigate baggage claim. We’ve definitely picked up the wrong luggage while waiting for our own to appear on the belt more than once and had minor panic attacks upon noticing that another traveler has mistakenly grabbed ours.

To save ourselves time and prevent potential luggage swap mishaps, we’ve been replacing our old black suitcases with bright and colorful alternatives. Here are a few that have helped to make baggage claim quick and painless.

Monos Terracotta

We’re of the belief that terracotta is underrated as a color, and discovering terracotta suitcases by Canadian travel brand Monos has only further solidified our convictions. They’re dark enough to hide any potential scratches and scuff marks, yet bright enough to stand out in a crowd.

Vera Bradley Navy Garden

Yes, the same Vera Bradley who made those quilted duffle bags we all had in middle school. She’s still around, and she makes high-quality luggage in a range of fun prints and colors that are easy to spot in a sea of black bags.

July Electric Green

July is an Australian brand with a focus on creating high-quality luggage at an affordable price point. Their designed-to-last, beautiful-to-look-at pieces are available in both classic and vibrant colors. We especially love this limited-edition kelly green.