This Hotel Offers You A Room According To Your Mood And Needs

Colors have always played a big role in our lives. Through art, they help us express ourselves and our emotions, through clothing they allow us to express our character and show who we are and are especially important in interior design.

Colors can make your home look bigger, brighter, cozier and make it the ideal place for relaxation. Colors even have influence on your mood and have the power to make you feel better. 

Angad Arts Hotel (AAH) is more than just a hotel, and they’re more than aware of the healing powers colors can have. This hotel is an ideal mix of fashion, literature, visual arts, performance and gastronomy.

Designed by Lawrence Group, this hotel gives you the chance to choose your room based on your current emotional state. You can choose from 4 different colors: Passion Red, Tranquility Blue, Rejuvenation Green or Happiness Yellow. Every room is suitably equipped so you can feel like home and have the experience you want. 

You can also enjoy the sweeping rooftop views from Angad Rainbow Terrace or the excellent kitchen. This hotel is a real gem where you can truly express who you are.