The future of aviation is electrical and it’s (almost) here. With the risks of climate change ever increasing, global leaders and environmentalists have urged us all to be more conscientious with our carbon footprint. Travel, sadly, is a major contributor to this due to the mass amount of carbon emissions from airplanes.
Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) is trying to change that, however.
The airline intends to release zero emissions by 2050 and the first step in that plan is developing an electric-powered aircraft.
SAS partnered with Airbus in 2019 to create a low-emission aircraft, and despite it being nowhere near completion, tickets have now gone on sale!
Scandinavian Airlines has set aside 30 tickets for the three inaugural flights. The price of 1,946 krone is a nod to the year that the airline was established.
The only catch with all this, is that passengers will have no idea which date they’re flying or from where.
Travelers will receive an email once the airline has decided on the day and place of departure, but it seems likely that take-off will only happen in 2028.