Tips for Dealing With Post-Pandemic Travel Anxiety

Image by TheDigitalWay from Pixabay

Even if you’re a huge fan of travel who typically doesn’t get any kind of travel anxiety, traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic can suddenly make things a lot scarier than they used to be. So what do you do if you’re ready to get back out there but still feeling a little nervous about it? Here are some tips for coping strategies you can use to ease your post-pandemic travel anxiety this year.

  • Use guided meditations to help relax you while traveling on planes and trains.
  • In moments of acute anxiety, close your eyes and think about what you’re most excited about for your trip. Really feel the breeze and sun on your face, smell the air, and taste the delicious food. Reminding yourself why you’re traveling can help you get past anxious moments.
  • Remind yourself that you are not your anxious feelings, but rather this is simply a voice in your head that you can listen to and set aside, like an annoying roommate.
  • Carefully make all of your travel arrangements such that you are confident you’ll be staying in places that are COVID-safe and have relatively flexible cancellation policies in case of emergencies.
  • Be compassionate and kind to yourself! It’s okay to be nervous about traveling during COVID. This is a new situation and you’re entitled to a little bit of stress.