Tired of Jet Lag? Here Are Some Tips for Preventing It

Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

For world travelers, jet lag is just a part of exploring. The disorientation, fatigue, and heading to bed at unusual times are par for the course. And for some, it can take weeks to adjust to the time differences. While there isn’t a cure for jet lag, there are ways to avoid it from happening. Here’s how to prevent jet lag from ruining your vacation.

Before You Leave

Even though you may want to stay up all night so you can fall asleep on the plane, this isn’t the best idea. Jet lag will only hit you harder when you’re sick, tired, or hungover, which makes a good night’s sleep prior to your flight all the more important. To make yourself more tired for your flight, try exercising and while at the airport walk and take the stairs as much as you can to tire yourself out.

During the Flight

Make sure you drink tons of water or non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated drinks while onboard. Dehydration makes the symptoms of jet lag worse. Also, set your watch to the time in your destination when you take off. If you’re arriving in the morning at your destination, try and sleep on the flight, but if you’re arriving at night, avoid sleeping on the plane so you can sleep once you arrive.