Top Tips for Surviving Insects This Summer

Photo by Syed Ali on Unsplash

Summer means plenty of sunlight, long days, opportunities for outdoor activities, and vacation time. But we humans are not the only ones who like to enjoy summer. All sorts of bugs and insects love it as well and can’t wait to get out in the world and have some fun.

If you don’t want to get in the middle of an insect party and end up with bites that will ruin your day, here are some tips on how to protect yourself.

Apply Insect Repellent When Going Outside

Insect repellents are quite good at what they do. Apply it whenever you go outside, and make sure to follow the instructions on the package for the best effect. This will discourage insects from biting you, saving you from scratching and some potentially dangerous viruses.

Cover Your Skin

The most efficient way to protect yourself from insects and bugs is to cover your skin. This might not be the most comfortable solution, but it can be a lifesaver if certain environments like woods. To make it more bearable, choose light and breathable materials.

Don’t Use Perfumes or Scented Products

Wearing perfume and using scented products will make you an easy target for insects. They will be attracted to the scent, and there is a bigger chance you will end up with more than a few bites.

Stay Away from Insect-Infested Areas

One thing that you can also do is stay away from the areas insect-infested areas. For example, mosquitoes love to be around still water, while ticks reside in tall grass.