Travelers Claim That These Places Are Overrated

Photo by Alexander Kagan on Unsplash

We often discuss the places that are worth visiting, but what about the places that are overrated? There are some places that get more hype than they deserve, at least according to some travelers. After a Reddit user asked “What is the most overrated place in the world?” here’s what people responded.

Hollywood Walk of Fame

The thought of visiting the place that celebrates many famous people may be exciting, but the truth is that the place is packed with people trying to sell you their music on CDs.

Time’s Square on New Year’s Eve

“Went there a few years with my girlfriend, her brother, and his girlfriend. It was miserable. We ended up leaving and watching the countdown on TV at a Korean BBQ place and the four of us felt that was a much better experience,” one Reddit user wrote.


French people don’t get the hype around Paris. Apparently, there are many more beautiful places around the country that offer an even better experience.