Unconventional Ways to Pass the Time on a Long Flight

Activities for long flights
Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash

Long flights can be a major drag, especially when they go up to six, or 10, or even 16 hours. There are plenty of ways to pass the time while on flights this long, with some of the popular methods being sleep, listening to music, or watching in-flight movies. However, if you’re having trouble sleeping, or just looking to shake things up a bit, here are some alternative unconventional ways to pass the time.

Creative Work

Long flights can be a great place to get creative work done. If you’re a writer, use the endless hours to cook up that screenplay you’ve been thinking of. If you’re an artist, sketch up something magical while being inspired by the clouds through the window.

Actual Work

You can also get actual work done. If you’ve been slammed at your job and need to catch up on some paperwork, a long flight can be just the time to do it. Granted, it’s not the most fun activity, but at least you’re being productive!


This is a new trend that people have started to do: exercising on a plane. We’re not talking about a full-on workout—after all, no one wants to smell your stinky pits. But if you head to the back of the plane, a few light exercises will keep your body feeling fresh.