The Heaven Lake is the highest crater lake in the world, according to the Guinness World Records books, and it is located on the border between China and North Korea. It lies within a caldera atop the volcanic Paectu Mountain, a part of the Baekdudaeganmountain range and the Changbai mountain range.
According to the North Korean propaganda, the leader Kim Jong-il was born near the lake on the mountain, and the news agencies reported that on the day he died, the ice on the lake cracked so loud, that it seem to shake the heavens and the Earth.
One of the most interesting things, except for nature’s astonishing, beauty is the stone, which suggests one side is China, and the other North Korea. This is the maybe a once in a lifetime chance to step into North Korea.
The entire region is made of basaltic lava flows, which is the indicator of nature’s greatness and power. The lake in winter and in early spring is frozen and covered in snow. However, regardless to seasons, the sight is heavenly beautiful anytime.
Due to its popularity, there are tourists from all over the world, mainly from China and North Korea, so waiting in queue is totally normal and expected.