What To Do If You Lose Your Phone While Traveling

Phone taking picture
Photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash

As exciting as traveling can be, it also makes us vulnerable to a certain extent. Anything that can happen in your hometown, even negative things, immediately get worse when you’re in a city you’re not used to. For instance, losing your phone is certainly a rough experience no matter where you are, but while traveling it can feel like a nightmare. Here’s what you should do in that particular scenario.

Don’t Panic

The first thing we must stress is that you shouldn’t panic. You may be tempted to panic your brains out, and understandably so. But panicking won’t return your phone, and your best option is to simply take a deep breath so you can handle this situation calmly. Everything will work out for the best ultimately.

Access The Internet

Now that you’re relaxed and collected, it’s time to access some internet. If you have a laptop in the place you’re staying, perfect. If you don’t, you may be able to find complementary computers at a local library or cyber cafe. Once you have internet, get in touch with your phone company and alert them to what’s going on so they can freeze your line temporarily. But even more importantly, you need to also get in touch with your credit card companies and freeze your cards so that if your phone was stolen they won’t be able to use it to buy things from it.

Get a New One (Either Temporary or Not)

Once you’ve handled all that, it’s time to get a new phone. You can either get a temporary one that’ll service you well till you get back home, or get yourself an early birthday present and buy yourself a brand new phone. Lord knows you deserve it after all you’ve been through! By the way, it may be also easier to flip these last two steps—because getting in touch with phone and credit card companies are always easier with a phone, instead of emailing them.