Why Los Angeles, California Is More Wholesome Than Some Believe

Hollywood, Los Angeles, United States
Hollywood, Los Angeles, United States Photo by Martin Jernberg on Unsplash

To many wide-eyed travelers around the world, Los Angeles is a place where celebrities sip matcha tea at fancy coffeehouses, where stars attend Hollywood parties, and where the homeless set up camp up every other street corner. However, there’s a lot more to LA than people realize. If you know where to look, there is plenty of wholesomeness to be found!

The Beautiful Nature

With all of the glitz and glamour coming from Hollywood’s shadow, many have no clue that LA is home to some of the most beautiful nature in America. This nature can be enjoyed on a multitude of trails or hikes, from Runyon Canyon to Griffith Park.

Family Friendly Activities

There are also countless things you can do with your family in LA, such as take a walk along the Santa Monica Pier, before enjoying an ice cream cone and a ride on the roller coaster (not necessarily in that order).

Warm Communities

And finally, another reason LA is a wholesome city is that it’s home to a diverse range of warm communities. Just because the world only associates the City of Angels with stars and celebs doesn’t mean there aren’t thousands of other citizens who live modest lives and contribute to society in their own way.