Your Reason For Traveling May Change On Your Trip

Learning about Yourself
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash

One of the cool things about traveling is that things can be unpredictable. Sure, you can have a set destination, a set itinerary, and even a hotel room completely booked. However, the very nature of stepping outside one’s door is an act of adventure at its core. Your reason for traveling might change because the reality is, you learn more about yourself.

Let’s say you’ve decided to travel to Italy because you’ve always been fascinated by the Italian countryside. You love wine and cheese, you love bright green, rolling hills, and you simply want to live in a peaceful heaven on earth for a few weeks.

Great! One day, you decide to check out Rome—because why not? You don’t expect to be tempted by the endless historic landmarks, statues and artifacts, let alone Vatican City. You were never much of a history buff, anyway.

Except something changes once you’re actually there. You start to fall in love with everything. You start to get it. History never inspired you in school because you didn’t like learning it that way. But now that you’re there, you understand why it’s fascinating.

This is the essence of traveling, and how your reasoning for travel can change while you’re on your trip. You don’t expect it, but you might actually discover that you have more interests than you think! Be open minded to the changes you might discover in yourself.