4 Dos and Don’ts Tourists Should Know Before Visiting Louvre Museum in Paris

The Louvre Museum, Paris, France
The Louvre Museum, Paris, France. Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Louvre Museum in Paris, France, is a place unlike any other. It not only houses some of the most significant and valuable objects in human history but is also the biggest and most visited institution of its kind in the whole world.

Because of this, you shouldn’t treat a visit to Louvre as just another museum visit. Instead, you should know some of the dos and don’ts to ensure that you get the best possible experience.

Do Get Your Ticket in Advance

Purchasing your ticket online will save you lots of trouble. You will avoid waiting in lines to buy one while also being guaranteed a quicker entry.

Avoid Try to Explore on Your Own

Exploring a museum on your own is welcomed in most cases, but not in Louvre. You should get a map of the museum and take an audio-guided tour if you don’t want to risk missing some major pieces in its collection.

Don’t Count on a Quick Visit

Visiting Louvre is a whole-day affair. There are so many things to see here that you won’t be able to do everything in an hour or two. Also, remember that you’ll have to deal with long queues and big crowds, so it isn’t likely there will be energy left for something else that day.

Do Pack Some Food and Drinks

Surprisingly, you can take food and drinks with you into the museum. You should take advantage of this as you’ll definitely need it. Also, you’ll avoid having to spend money inside the museum’s pricey bars and restaurants.