4 Things Worth Going to Ethiopia to Taste

Ethiopia Coffee
Ethiopia Image by John Iglar from Pixabay

If you’re planning a trip to Ethiopia, make sure you come hungry. The cuisine in the East African country is a medley of bold spices, herbs, and textures, all of which will make you keen for more. Here are some must-try dishes that you should definitely put on your list.


Injera is probably Ethiopia’s most famous dish. The spongy flatbread is made from teff flour, a type of grain that’s only grown in Ethiopia. It features at almost every meal, with the locals tearing off a piece to scoop up other dishes. Who needs cutlery?

Doro Wat

If you like your meat tender and falling off the bone, uptre going to love doro wat. Chicken is cooked with berbere spice — a mixture of chili powder, garlic, ginger, and other spices — to form a thick stew. And yes, you do use injera to soak up the delicious sauce.


Vegetarians and vegans are not left out when it comes to hearty dishes. Shiro is a thick stew made from ground chickpeas or lentils and flavored with onions, garlic, and spices like cumin and turmeric.


Ethiopia is believed to be the birthplace of coffee, so it is understandably a big deal in this part of the world. You must experience a coffee ceremony where the beans are roasted and brewed in front of you, and served with popcorn or other snacks.