5 Unusual Things To Do In New Mexico

Photo: 12019/Pixabay

Thinking about adding New Mexico to your American road trip? You definitely won’t be short of things to do there. Here are 5 unusual and memorable attractions to add to your list.

House of Eternal Return

This unique attraction is part haunted house, part choose-your-own-adventure and part jungle gym. Piece together clues and stumble through secret passages to access strange and exciting “other worlds.”

The World’s Largest Pistachio

The world’s largest pistachio stands at 30ft tall and is a perfect photo opp. It’s nuts.


Musical Highway

There’s a strip on Route 66 which will play “America the Beautiful” if you drive along it at the right speed. That speed is exactly 45 mph.

Roswell McDonalds

This McDonalds is the only space themed McDonalds in the entire world. The theme fits rumors of the UFO incident that occurred in the town.

Dawn Light Sanctuary

The sanctuary uses prisms to transform light into rainbows. It is a peaceful, beautiful room perfect for taking a break from the world to reflect.