Cut the Stress Out of Holiday Travel With These Tips

Christmas tree on a toy car
Photo by Denise Johnson on Unsplash

The holiday season is one of the most stressful times of the year to travel. Don’t believe us? Think of how many movies you’ve seen where people miss their flights due to adverse weather and overbooking. Exactly!

With many of us venturing to see loved ones over the festive period—or just taking a few days out while the world is celebrating—the travel process can be hectic. Here is some advice on how not to lose your head. 

Flexibility for the Win

Prices tend to soar during the holiday season and tickets go quickly. One way to ensure you get to your destination is by having a little flexibility on dates. Being able to leave for your trip a day or two earlier and return a day early or late can help you save on airfare select flights that aren’t as full.

Be Direct

Remember what we said about adverse weather? Winter tends to bring with it snowstorms and gale-force winds, all of which can hamper travel and cause inconvenient delays. Minimize your chances of missing a connection by booking a direct flight.

Don’t Bother Wrapping

Gift-wrapping your presents ahead of time may seem like a good idea, but remember that the TSA has the right to unwrap said gifts if something raises an alert. To avoid all your hard work going to waste, rather put your gifts in pretty paper bags.