Flights to Nowhere Are a Trend We Don’t Understand

Not being able to travel can be difficult, but people are really ready to go above and beyond just to recreate the feeling of traveling—even when they’re not going anywhere. That’s why “flights to nowhere” is a thing right now.

What is this about? Airline companies are actually offering plane tickets to have you boarded on a plane, ride for a few hours, and land back on the same airport. What do you think about this?

We believe this is a little too much—as this is the year when the planet just started to recover from all the pollution caused by travel, among other things. Fewer flights were one of the only good things about the pandemic, and now there are commercial planes flying literally nowhere just for the sake of flying. It seems excessive, don’t you think?

Some tickets cost over $2,500 for a 12-hour flight. The experience is just like you imagine it: you board a plane, fasten the seatbelt, order a meal, fly around for several hours, and land in the same spot where you started, ready to go home. There are no vacations, going to new places, or exploring other cultures—just the most dreaded part of traveling.