Duty-free shopping at airports is a great chance to waste some time before your flight while also getting some products you might not be able to find at home. However, in order to not regret this experience later, you need to follow some tips.
Compare Prices
Most people believe that duty-free shops are cheaper than regular shops because products there are exempt from tax. However, this isn’t always the case, as certain products can be much more expensive than in regular retail.
Don’t Overspend
It is easy to catch a shopping fever in a duty-free shop since they offer so many eye-catching products. This is why you should determine a budget before entering one and stick to it. Overspending in duty-free shops can inflate your travel expenses without you realizing it while also putting you at risk of crossing the $800 limit of duty-free items set in place by U.S. customs.
Be Aware of Potential Bans
Just because something can be bought in a duty-free shop doesn’t mean it is legal to bring it back home. Be aware of the potential bans on items and limitations on alcohol and cigarettes before making the purchase.
Keep the Receipts
Make sure to keep the receipts of all your duty-free purchases. This way, you will have no trouble passing through customs and will have proof that all the items are bought duty-free if some problem arises.