How to Take Care of Your Mental Health While Traveling

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Traveling the world can be thrilling and wonderful, but stepping out of your usual environment brings some challenges too. It’s essential that you don’t neglect your mental health while traveling. Here are a few expert-backed tips on looking after your body and mind while on the go.

Make a Stress Relief Toolkit

It’s helpful to plan ahead for how you will deal with anxiety and stress, in case it occurs during your trip. If deep breathing, exercise, journaling, or seeking support worked for you back home, it will probably be helpful on vacation too. Bring along stress balls, prepare a grounding playlist in advance, or even download episodes of your favorite show.

Check In With Loved Ones

Even if you’re having the best time, it’s natural to feel homesick. Being away from everything familiar can be unexpectedly stressful. Make sure you have a way to check in with the people you love back home, especially if you know for sure that will bring you some comfort. That means having the right phone plan so you can call, text, or FaceTime from wherever you are.

Maintain Good Sleeping Habits

The occasional sleepless night shouldn’t affect your health. However, if you miss more it can affect your concentration and ability to make decisions, and some people may even start to feel depressed. Bring a neck pillow with you to make it easier to doze off while en route.