Traveling sometimes can be hard and stressful in general, and it can be a quite traumatic experience for pregnant mamas. So, dear future moms-to-be, if you want to save yourself from additional stress, you should follow this list of great preggo traveling tips:
Take your time
With the pregnancy moving forward, the walking tends to get slower and harder. If it is the case for you too, don’t worry and do not rush. Keep walking the way you feel comfortable. However, you should keep in mind the time. Leave a few minutes earlier if you don’t want to be late for your flight.
Skip the full body scanner
If you don’t want to get X-rayed at the airport while pregnant, you shouldn’t. Airports offer a full body pat-down instead of a body scanner, and it is usually done by a female agent, so it won’t be as awkward.
Eat ginger candy if you get motion sickness
Motion sickness tends to manifest more during pregnancy. Although there are safe medicines you can take while pregnant, the best and the healthier choice is to eat a ginger candy. It will definitely help you with your nausea.
Listen to your favorite book or music
Plug in your headphones, push the play button and relax.