Immerse Yourself In Ancient Britain At These Breathtaking Sites

Stonehenge, England
Photo by Stephen + Alicia on Pexels

Known for its green pastures, breathtaking countryside, and iconic royal family, Britain is a treasure trove for history lovers and adventure seekers alike. From ancient history to medieval times, there are plenty of historical sites that will show you just how remarkable the history of this island nation is. Here are some of the most captivating historical sites in Britain that you won’t want to miss.


A 5,000-year-old structure, Stonehenge will provide you with an insider look at what life in Neolithic Britain was like. One of the oldest structures known to humankind, Stonehenge is shrouded in mystery, providing you with an educational yet intriguing day out.

Hadrian’s Wall

73 miles long, this mighty wall was built as a protective barrier for the northwest frontier of the Roman Empire. For as little as £23.40, you and your family can enjoy an immersive tour of Hadrian’s Wall, exploring the numerous forts, towns, and surrounding villages while uncovering priceless Roman artifacts.

Roman Baths

During the Roman occupation of Britain, people from all corners of the Roman Empire visited the aptly-named English town of Bath to bathe in the natural thermal springs and worship the goddess Sulis Minerva. With its hot waters still flowing today and numerous exhibits and events for children as well as adults, a visit to Bath can prove enjoyable for the whole family.