Is it Worth it to Watch Movies on a Plane?

Movie on a plane
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Passing time on a plane ride can sometimes be one of the most annoying things to do. The airlines do all they can to accommodate you, but you still find yourself bored out of your mind half the time. Watching in-flight movies are a common way to pass the time, but is it really worth it to watch them? There are some reasons against it, and here’s what they are.

The Quality is Terrible

The only movies that you’d find worth it to watch on a plane ride are ones that you really like. The only problem is, the sound quality for these in-flight movies is so bad that you rarely feel like you’re getting the proper movie experience. When you add to that a persisting rumble of the airplane engine, it’s a wonder anyone on the flight can actually understand what’s going on in the movie without subtitles. It also doesn’t help matters that the screens are tiny.

Keeping it Simple

In other words, we wouldn’t recommend watching an epic-style film, such as something like Lord of the Rings. Those kinds of films really need you to be completely immersed in order to enjoy it. Light comedies, however, are easier to digest and thus may be more opportune for a flight.