Not Everyone’s a Traveler, And That’s Okay

Photo by Centre for Ageing Better on Unsplash

Do you find yourself constantly bombarded with posts on social media of your friend’s backpacking trip around the world? Do the water cooler conversations at your office constantly consist of colleagues bragging about their adventures in India? Are you absolutely sick of everyone in your life talking about how much they love traveling, especially because deep down in your heart you have no desire of going anywhere? Here’s a little secret: not everyone’s a traveler, and that’s okay.

No Shame In It

Traveling can be super fun, but it can also be stressful for the wrong person. It can be wonderful to see places you’ve never been to before, but there’s also something nice about being home. Everyone seems to want to go everywhere nowadays, and part of that is because it’s so trendy. It is, after all, nice to be able to tell people that you traveled to some exotic place. But there’s absolutely no shame in being perfectly content where you are, and not feeling the need to go anywhere else.

Loving Your Home

Hey, maybe one of the reasons you don’t want to travel is because you simply love your home so much. Not just that, but you love your life! Where many others feel the need to escape it, you’re perfectly golden with everything just how it is. There’s something to be admired in that, and you should actually be empowered that you’re happy with the standard routine that most people find so droll.