3 Fun Things To Do In Paris That Are Free

3 free things to do in Paris, France.
Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

When we think of cheap cities to visit, Paris, France isn’t one of them. While the City of Love is a must-see, it can become really expensive to see all of the top attractions, visit the best museums, and dine at the best restaurants. But there are ways to experience Paris without going over your budget and some of them are even free. Here are three free things to do in the city.

Parc du Champ de Mars

Taking a lift to the Eiffel Tower can bust your budget, but you can still enjoy the iconic landmark from below at Parc du Champ de Mars. During the day set up a picnic, and at night take in a light show.

Cimitière du Père Lachaise

This cemetery which is home to literary greats like Proust and Balzac and modern icons like Oscar Wilde and Edith Piaf is hauntingly beautiful and it’s one of the most scenic walks in the city. The Doors’ Jim Morrison is buried here, but his grave has been barricaded off to stop fans from building a music pilgrimage.

Marché d’Aligre

This food market in the 12th arrondissement is open six days a week and you’ll find everything from cheeses and meats to flowers and household items. It’s not only a great place to try local cuisine, but you’ll also find gifts for friends and family.