Unique Foods from Around the World

If you’re a seasoned traveler, you’ll know that you can’t travel for long without discovering very different ways of doing things. Part of the magic of travel is finding new strange and bewildering practices that make you reconsider your own presuppositions. This is very true of food. If you’re an adventurous traveler and want to try new things, you need to try out some of these unusual dishes from around the world.

Balut (Philippines)

Intensely popular in the Philippines, balut is essentially a three-week-old duck embryo. You crack the egg, sip the broth, eat the germinating feathers and embryonic bones of the duckling before finally enjoying the yoke.

Live Octopus (Korea)

A very popular dish in Korea, the octopus is chopped into several pieces and covered in sauce and seasoning. Although the octopus is not whole, the tentacles continue to wriggle and suck to your teeth as you eat them.

Maggot Cheese (Sardinia)

This strange-sounding cheese is a traditional delicacy in Sardinia. It is made by forming a block of cheese, putting holes in it and then leaving it outside in the sun for flies to come and lay their eggs in. As the eggs hatch, the maggots feed off of the cheese turning the hard cheese soft. The cheese is then eaten with the live maggots.