Driving in Italy Isn’t As Simple As You Think

Driving in Italy
Preggio, Italy. Photo by Jonathan Bean on Unsplash

Italy is known for its beautiful cities as well as the beauty of its small towns that dot the country sides. If you’re planning a trip to see these small towns, you may be thinking of renting a car. Rural Italy is absolutely worth seeing, but it is very difficult to get around on public transportation—so renting a car is a good call. You’ll also get to see the pastoral scenes in between populated areas along the backroads and highways. However, just like anywhere in the world, Italy has its own driving style and culture. Here are some things to be prepared for.

Italian Drivers Meander

Even on the highway, Italian drivers drift from side to side don’t stick to lane divisions as rigidly as in America or Canada. It’s not uncommon for drivers to spend full seconds or even minutes with one set of wheels in the next lane over, often as they try to find a spot to pass slower cars. At the same time, they may be aggressive about passing you if you’re in the fast lane. So it is VERY important to keep a close eye on your surroundings, to stay calm and alert, and to stay in the right (slow) lane unless you’re passing someone yourself.

Don’t Drink and Drive

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to keep in mind that the blood-alcohol limit for driving is much lower in Italy than America. When you’re surrounded by so much good wine and cocktails, you might be tempted to have a glass with dinner before you get on the road. Don’t. If you’re with a group, try to rotate who will be the designated driver, because even one glass could get you in trouble if you’re pulled over.

There’s a Big Difference Between Fast and Slow Lanes

In general, highways usually have a “slow” lane—the right-most lane—and a “fast” lane on the left for passing. In Italy there’s a big difference between the two. The right lane will usually have a lot of Fiats that can’t get up to highway speeds going below the speed limit, while the left lane has more aggressive drivers racing above the speed limit. If you’re going slow in the fast lane, these drivers will get agitated with you. It’s best to stay in the right lane and carefully pass the many Fiats and trucks as you come up to them.