Where to Travel to See the Biggest Cats in the World

Image by Andrew Swinfield from Pixabay

Many of us have always been fascinated by wild animals. If you’re looking for the opportunity to see some of the world’s biggest cats in their natural habitat, here are the countries you need to visit.

Brazil – Jaguars

You can see jaguars in the Southwest U.S. and all over South America, but Brazil is the best place to go—especially its Pantanal region. You can take organized tours and watch the animals in natural habitat. Unfortunately, the IUCN Red List says that jaguars are Near-Threatened right now.

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

India – Tigers

The largest cat in the world is officially the tiger, and you can see the most magnificent examples in the Kanha Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh, India. Some of the biggest males weigh nearly 660 pounds, which is super impressive, but the bad news is there are less than 4,000 tigers left in the wild.

Image by pforpuja from Pixabay 

Sri Lanka – Leopards

Like many other wild cats, leopards are under threat. If you want to see them in person, head to Africa or Asia. Our recommendation is the Yala National Park in Sri Lanka, where you can take a tour in an open Jeep and see leopards and other amazing wildlife.

Photo by Geoff Brooks on Unsplash