How to Know When it’s Time to Return Home

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

If you’re a backpacker who’s been bit by the ever-so-contagious travel bug, perhaps you haven’t been home in a while. One month turned into two months, which quickly became four months, and now you’re closing in on a clean half year. Is it time to start thinking about heading back home? Maybe, maybe not. Here are some things you may want to consider before you make your choice?

What Are Your Reasons For Staying Abroad?

There are great benefits to traveling, such as discovering more about yourself and reflecting on your life goals. If this is your mindset, and you feel like you still need to figure more things out, then perhaps you shouldn’t go home just yet. But there’s a big caveat to this idea.

Escape or Discovery?

It’s one thing to learn more about yourself, but if your purpose for being away is less about discovery and more about escaping from the “real world”, then perhaps it’s time to head back home. Yes, being away can help inspire you to figure things out, but sometimes there are problems back home that can only be solved by facing them head on. So maybe it’s time to face the music and start a new chapter by ending this one.