What You Need to Know About Wearing Compression Socks on Flights

Person wearing spotty socks and birkenstocks
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

If you follow any travel influencers on social media, you may have heard some of them mention that they wear compression socks when they fly, but what exactly does this mean? Compression socks are a specific type of sock designed to increase circulation in the legs and feet. Medical versions of compression socks are often worn by patients with certain illnesses where increasing circulation is especially important, though there are non-medical versions available as well.

They can provide great support in situations like flying that involve sitting still for long periods of time. Check with your doctor to make sure wearing compression socks is safe for you, but if you’re curious, here are some points to consider.

Risks of Flying

Our bodies are designed to move throughout the day; it’s important for keeping our blood circulation flowing and muscles from becoming stiff. When we sit for long periods in a cramped position such as during flights with minimal legroom, blood can start to pool in the feet and legs, leading to discomfort and swelling in the feet and ankles. In serious cases, slowed circulation can lead to blood clots.

Levels of Compression

The level of compression you’ll need will depend on factors including how long your flight is and if you have any specific health risks to consider. If you have a long flight and are someone with an already increased risk for blood clots due to poor circulation, you’ll probably need a firmer compression.


The cost of compression socks will depend on a few factors: the brand, material, and level of compression. More affordable pairs are available over the counter at most drug stores for as little as $10, though medical-grade socks can cost upwards of $100.