Why We Recommend Staying at Hostels When You Travel

Hostels over hotels
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

If you’re new to traveling, it’s not always easy to navigate your way through the process. There are all kinds of questions you might be asking yourself, from how much money you’ll need to where you should stay. As far as your lodgings go, it really depends on the person. But in our humble opinion, here’s why we highly recommend staying at a youth hostel.

It’s Much Cheaper

First and foremost, hostels are considerably cheaper than both AirBnbs and hotels. The comparison is actually not even close, so if you’re someone who’s trying to save money on your trip, staying at a hostel is a no-brainer.

It’s Where the Party’s At

Corona times excluded, you’re going to meet countless people at a youth hostel. More often than not, these are people who are travelers just like you, and they’re going to want to have fun just like you. Also, most hostels usually throw parties that are designed for people to meet each other and have fun.

It’s Mentally Freeing

On one hand, it’s kind of annoying that you have to share a small living space with a bunch of strangers. On the other hand, there’s something very freeing about it. While it can be a little risky and scary to live with these people, it also might just make you a more trusting person.